JACK DEE – Small World

Sunday 2nd February 2025, 7:30pm



JACK DEE – Small World

CULTURE WARS, THE ENVIRONMENT, BRITISH FOREIGN POLICY and SOCIAL JUSTICE: these are just a few of the topics that Jack spectacularly fails to address (or even mention for that matter) in his brand new show. Instead, for reasons known only to him, he doubles down on his fascination with the meaningless small things of life like Zoom protocol, what’s new in the world of radiators and the worst careers advice office in the world.

Join Jack as he guides you through his varied life and career with his customary charm and well known gift for talking absolute rubbish on any given subject.


The following transaction fees are applied - £3 per ticket when booked online & £2 per ticket when booked by telephone. Not applicable when booking on site at the box office.

To view the venues seating plan please CLICK HERE

Box Office Prices

Ticket Price: £30 (14+)

Online Prices

Ticket Price: £33 (14+)

Telephone Prices

Ticket Price: £32 (14+)